5K Turkey Trot to aid Christmas Is For Kids

NORTH ATTLEBORO --- In what’s becoming a Thanksgiving weekend tradition in downtown North Attleboro, runners and walkers will again have a chance to work off the extra calories from their Thanksgiving Day feast by participating in the Second Annual Leftover Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk/Wheelchair event at 11 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 26. The race again will benefit the Attleboro area’s biggest gift drive, Christmas Is For Kids. The longstanding holiday drive serves children and teens in Attleboro, North Attleboro, Plainville, Norton, Seekonk and Rehoboth. Participants will be encouraged to bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate to the drive, which is organized by the Greater Attleboro Area Council for Children. The race’s start and finish lines will be outside of North Attleboro’s Town Hall, 43 South Washington St. The course will start on flat pavement and transition into rolling hills on residential streets before heading back to the finish line. The top three men and women finishers will receive special medals. Through race day, the entry fee will be $30 each, with the first 400 people to sign up receiving T-shirts and finishers’ medals. Registration and check-in on race-day morning will begin at 9:30 a.m., but no cash will be accepted from race-day registrants. After the race, participants are invited to have lunch downtown and stick around for the long-running Santa Parade, which will start at 3 p.m. To sign up for the Turkey Trot, go to the race’s website: runsignup.com/Race/MA/NorthAttleboro/NattleboroLeftoverTurkeyTrot?rsus=200-501-9661f8e5-8b4f-45af-985b-dce28a8d1385


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