An Opening Day catch

Opening Day for the Red Sox on Friday, April 8 ended with a 6-5 extra-inning loss to the Bronx Bombers in Yankee Stadium, but the day was a success for this longtime fan because my younger daughter, Alana, asked to have a catch with me --- something we hadn't done in a long while.
With temperatures rising to the mid-60s, we enjoyed playing catch for close to an hour on our front lawn while the game blared on the radio perched on my front steps.
Despite the Red Sox' tough defeat, the day was enjoyable --- a tumble that I took on the lawn notwithstanding. That happened as I was backpedaling to catch the ball, when my foot hit a divot in the lawn and I tumbled on my back. Luckily, the fall resulted in me only getting the wind knocked out of me. Good thing I have a hard head, though I've been feeling a little sensation back there since the fall.
I was fortunate to escape further injury, but it was a small price to pay for having a catch on Opening Day.
DOG ATE THE BALL: The catch ended with my dog Buddy chewing up the supposed hardball. Some days ....
As for the Sox, well, I did sarcastically text "Wait 'till Next Year' to one of my friends after the game, but as of this writing, the Sox are in reality just 1-2 in this very young season after beating the Yanks 4-3 on Sunday night (April 10), and there are 159 games left, counting the first of three games against the Tigers in Detroit, which is under way now.
Sox are now 2-3 after winning 5-3 on April 12.


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