Read about a true hero in this incredible story of World War II heroism

My friend and colleague at The Sun Chronicle, Staff Writer George Rhodes, has a knack for telling the most inspiring, comprehensive and amazing stories about World War II veterans.
All of the veterans profiled by Rhodes have had incredible stories to share about that time in world history when the entire world was involved in a struggle to defend freedom, but Rhodes has outdone himself with his latest story.
His story on a Foxboro man, Franciszek "Frank" Zaleski, may be the most compelling story he's written yet on World War II. Not only was Rhodes able to get a three-hour interview with this Polish resistance fighter on Jan. 17 --- his 100th birthday--- but this courageous man passed away just two days after the interview, in which he told his harrowing story of leading Polish resistance fighters against Nazis during the most terrifying days of the Nazis' reign of terror across Europe.
This editor's note sets the scene for Rhodes' story. After that, click on the link provided to read Rhodes' unbelievable tale of heroism on The Sun Chronicle of Attleboro, MA's website.
This story, which is deserving of the highest awards in journalism, speaks for itself.

Editor's note: Franciszek “Frank” Zaleski died peacefully in the presence of his daughter Alicja Zadroga and his grandchildren, Diana and Johnny Zadroga, two days after he was interviewed for this story.

His 100th birthday and the interview were Monday (Jan. 17). He died Wednesday (Jan. 19).

Zaleski suffered from congestive heart failure.

Alicja said he was at peace after telling the story of his fight against the Nazis.

Telling his story was the one thing in his life he had yet to do and he finally did it.

“He feels like he’s completed his mission,” she said. “He’s OK with leaving this world. He did everything in his capacity to help the people of Poland. He helped a lot of people."

She loved her father dearly and will miss him.

“It is hard to let him go,” Alicja said. “He’s the one I had coffee with in the morning and tea at night. It is hard to let him go.”

Follow this link to read George Rhodes' amazing story:


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