Remembering a longtime neighbor and friend

My cul-de-sac in North Attleboro recently lost a giant. 
Ada Louise Maslowski, who lived at the end of the street since before it was a real street (it was only a partial dirt road) in 1962, died earlier this month at the age of 97. 
Louise, as everyone who knew her called her, will be sorely missed.
She could be seen well into her early 90s, riding her lawnmower taking care of her grass in the spring, summer and fall, and in the winter, riding her snow blower until neighbors started clearing her driveway after snowstorms in recent years.
We've been here close to 30 years, and Louise was a constant, reassuring presence on the street. When my kids were young, she would be a constant presence on Halloween, giving out candy and treats while sitting in her garage. And, up until she became ill, she was always a generous donor to the Relay For Life of Greater Attleboro for the American Cancer Society, which I've been a part of for 23 of its soon-to-be 24 years.
Louise loved her family, kids and grandkids, and up until her mobility became limited, she'd be out by her pool every summer with her grandkids.
And whenever she'd see me jog or walk by her house, she always waved and would ask how I was doing. In addition, during my almost 30 years as a full-timer at The Sun Chronicle, and then as a freelancer, she often took the time to say something nice about one of my columns or stories.  
That was Louise: She was kind, generous --- and caring.
Louise, your loss has left big shoes to fill.
You were one of a kind --- and greatly loved. 
RIP, Louise!


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