Officer's widow and doctor make two compelling vaccination arguments

If like me, you’re exasperated, frustrated and just plain sick and tired of the ignorant excuses by people who stubbornly refuse to get vaccinated, here are two stories from people whose passionate pleas for people to get vaccinated are must reading.
The first article is from the widow of a Norton police officer, Det. Sgt. Stephen Desfosses, who posted the final texts she got from her husband when he was in the hospital dying from COVID-19 in January.
The comments of Jessica Vogan Desfosses, which include her pleas to the unvaccinated to get vaccinated, are compelling arguments.
The link:
The story, written by Sun Chronicle Staff Writer George Rhodes, appeared in the Aug. 19, 2021, edition of The Sun Chronicle of Attleboro, MA.

The second article is a column from a doctor who, like many of us, is very close to losing patience with the anti-vaxxers after encountering a patient who only wanted the vaccine because he was in the hospital basically dying from COVID-19.
This column by Dr. Anita Sircar, an infectious disease physician and clinical instructor of health sciences at the UCLA School of Medicine, sums up the wishes of the millions of vaccinated people, who are sick and tired of the unvaccinated prolonging this pandemic.
It was published on Aug. 20, 2021 in The Sun Chronicle of Attleboro, MA

The link:


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