Holocaust education urgently needed as anti-vaxxers exploit the Holocaust

The coronavirus pandemic has made the need for Holocaust education more vital than ever as a growing number of anti-vaxxers show their complete ignorance about the horrors of the Holocaust and the 6 million Jews and 11 million people in total slaughtered by the Nazis before and during World War II by comparing vaccine passports and mandatory vaccines to the treatment of Jews during the Holocaust, including having death camp numbers burned on to their arms. That is a completely horrifying development! Those comparisons aren’t only reprehensible in every sense of the word, but they show a thundering lack of historical awareness on the part of those white supremacists and other ignorant people who insist on making such sickening comparisons. For one thing, the two aren’t even remotely comparable; for another, vaccines have been mandated for decades for students in schools ….. the MMR, chicken pox and other vaccines, including against hepatitis, are all required, with exceptions ...