Masks on, masks off (masks on …..?)
That play, in the headline, on the famous line from the original “Karate Kid” movie --- “wax on, wax off,” which is what the teacher tells his karate student during training --- aptly sums up how confused many officials and doctors are making the more than 65 percent of Americans with one shot and the nearly 50 percent who are fully vaccinated feeling as we approach the Fourth of July weekend.
Confusion, yes; anger, too, over those officials’ eagerness to make the rest of us miserable just because millions of Americans --- including far too many in the South --- are foolishly refusing to get vaccinated, and in the process are endangering all Americans’ health.
In case you missed it, the World Health Organization and so far Los Angeles County and some other government officials are trying to scare even vaccinated people by telling them to wear masks indoors again because of the Delta variant, and that’s today. After all, the way the coronavirus has been working, there’ll be a million other variants out there before long that the same so-called "experts" will want us to be afraid of to rob us of any enjoyment.
But I digress.
My purpose in writing here is to report that a voice of reason has finally told The Boston Globe something that the nearly 4.2 million Massachusetts residents who are fully vaccinated have longed to hear: Enjoy yourself.
“There is no scientific reason why a vaccinated person should wear a mask anywhere, except for their own comfort,” Dr. Shira I. Doron, hospital epidemiologist at Tufts Medical Center, told The Boston Globe.
“This is the time to live. Enjoy yourself,” Doron added. “Right now, we’re in a really good place, here in Massachusetts.”
Thank you Dr. Doron!
Although we are in a very confused time, with many fully vaccinated people opting to wear masks in stores due to the unknowns of how many people have joined their counterparts Down South and steadfastly refused to get the vaccine, it’s time for the medical community and government officials to take a much softer tone with those of us who are fully vaccinated.
It's time for them to stop making us frightened to live.
It's time for them to stop scaring us away from our friends, relatives and loved ones who we had to go a year and a half without hugging or shaking hands with.
It's time for them to stop all this fear-mongering.
We did what we were told: We got vaccinated, and the more than 4.2 million in the Bay State who are vaccinated is actually on the low side, because many people, including this writer, got vaccinated at pharmacies in Rhode Island back in the late winter and spring when it was tough to get appointments in Massachusetts.
But the good people of Massachusetts have gotten vaccinated. We’ve done our job.
Do you think you could follow the good Dr. Doron’s lead and let us get back to our lives?
I sure hope so!
I’m going to run the Arnold Mills Race on Monday, July 5, and I’m looking forward to it.
It's about time.
So, please get vaccinated already!
Thank you!
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