Another touch of normalcy: a blessed Mother’s Day

This past Mother’s Day represented another touch of normalcy as both of our daughters joined us for the afternoon and a relaxing dinner at home.
In the afternoon, I walked on my cul-de-sac with my older daughter, a teacher, and my wife, while my younger daughter, who just finished her sophomore year at Johnson and Wales University in Providence, rode her bike with the next-door neighbors, whom she hadn’t seen in quite a while.
We were soon joined by three others, who were walking their dogs, and the scene just seemed so “normal” --- and a much-welcomed change to the way we have been operating for so long, which was to avoid everyone and stay isolated --- which in turn led to a ton of depressed people who didn’t feel good about anything they’ve been doing for the last 15 months during the pandemic.
Later, at about 6 p.m., my older daughter and I drove into Attleboro to pick up dinner at one of our favorite Chinese restaurants. We opted for take-out and had a very enjoyable dinner at home.
None of what we did on Mother’s Day 2021 would have been classified as particularly glamorous BC --- Before COVID --- but it was quite special this year. That’s because it represented the kind of activity that we may have once taken for granted, but will never again: Having dinner with your family.
The numbers continue to get a lot better in Massachusetts, and more normal days may soon follow. But in order for that to happen, we have to continue to remain vigilant, and we must especially encourage people to get vaccinated.
There’s no excuse, except possibly a severe medical reaction, to not getting vaccinated, because vaccinations are the only sure-fire way to get us out of this damned pandemic once and for all.


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