The Pandemic Blues, Part 20: Museum show’s cancellation for second straight year shows staying power of this never-ending crisis
The Attleboro Arts Museum, in March of 2020, was among the first Attleboro area events to become a casualty of the-then newly-declared coronavirus pandemic, as officials there were forced to cancel their highly popular 24 th annual show just days before it was set to open on March 18. That necessitated taking down the exhibits that were already in place. The cancellation was a big deal as the museum typically raises $30,000 from the four-day and one-night show. With the state’s lockdown-related restrictions in place for the rest of the spring last year, the non-profit museum located in downtown Attleboro, MA, eventually had to stay closed for more than three months. For the rest of the year, the museum’s exhibits were available both online and in person, with restrictions, and after a successful online auction, there was hope for 2021. Fast forward to mid-January of 2021, when the optimism of a new year was crushed by the reality of the pandemic. With cases still surging in th...