The Pandemic Blues, Part 14: Thank these angels

Let’s face it, there’s been more than enough to feel lousy about in 2020.
First came the pandemic, which has killed more than 250,000 Americans, and now the threat to our democracy that the president’s lies about fraud in the election and his tampering with the election results by trying to convince legislators to falsify the results by nullifying Biden votes --- pose to our democracy.
Against that grim backdrop, and amid another COVID-19 surge, it certainly will be tough to feel good at all about the sad and tragic state of the nation this Thanksgiving, especially with travel curtailed and most people limiting their celebrations to a few members of their immediate family.
But here’s a reason to feel better: There are angels out there who are helping out by going the extra mile to make sure that people of all ages who have no one to share Thanksgiving with, will still be able to depend on the free meals that community-minded people have traditionally been sponsoring for years.
Thanks to these good-hearted folks, people in the Attleboro area who need a meal will be able to receive one as they turn some well-established efforts into to-go meals.
Those selfless people were profiled in the Weekend edition of The Sun Chronicle of Attleboro, MA (Nov. 21-22) by Staff Writer Kayla Canne.
Canne, my former colleague at the paper, has written a compassionate feature story about the efforts at feeding people this Thanksgiving.
During my tenure as the paper’s Local News Editor, I always made sure that we had photo and story coverage about these dinners as a way of honoring these fine volunteers.
Canne did a marvelous job of profiling these heroes who again will be giving up part of their own Thanksgiving holiday to serve others.
Check out her story – and also a related box containing information about where the dinners will be made available to people – at this link:

Happy Thanksgiving!


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