Thanksgiving 2020: The greatness --- and potential --- of the United States as seen through the eyes of a new American citizen

With America in turmoil and enduring severe economic, political and health challenges in the midst of a pandemic, this column on what it means to be an American seems to be wholly appropriate to post as we celebrate a Thanksgiving unlike any in recent history. The nation, as seen through the eyes of a 3-year-old, as my older daughter was when this original column was published the day before Thanksgiving 1999, remains a beacon of hope in this world – even if the slogan “we’re all in this together” has become a largely empty phrase in 2020. It's hard to fathom how the nation can begin to heal its wounds – especially while the sitting president continues to spread the false allegations about the outcome of the election being fraudulent because he can’t abide the fact that he lost. But with his own administration acknowledging Joe Biden as the “apparent winner,” states across the country certifying their votes and more Republicans conceding that the election is over, it’s clear tha...