Why the Holocaust Stamps Project is so vital

Photos courtesy of Charlotte Sheer ABOVE: Charlotte Sheer took this selfie in front of one of the 18 collages made from some of the 11 million stamps collected as part of the Holocaust Stamps Project that’s part of the exhibit at the American Philatelic Center called “A Philatelic Memorial of the Holocaust.” “L’Chaim --- To Life!” celebrates Holocaust survivors Sam and Goldie Weinreb. BELOW: Charlotte Sheer is pictured in front of the exhibit’s title poster during her visit to Pennsylvania. ********** I’ve written about the Holocaust Stamps Project, put together by students and staff at the Foxboro Regional Charter School in Foxboro, MA, often since the stamps started to be collected in 2009. This latest column, which appeared in The Sun Chronicle on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, examines five reasons why the project is so vital and should be viewed by people of all backgrounds. The column followed the opening in June of a new exhibit based on the project at the American Phil...