Journey of a lifetime revisited: Adoption trip to China 25 years ago changed our lives

Larry, Lynne, Arianna in China in 1997. A quarter-century can seem like a long time, but the 25 years that have elapsed since my wife and I adopted our first child, Arianna, from China have gone by in a flash. Today, our daughter is a teacher, having graduated from Bridgewater State University in 2018, but in 1997, she was a toddler waiting for her forever family to take her out of China, which at the time was losing thousands of its daughters yearly due to that government’s one-child policy, which wouldn’t be ended until 2015. In what now seems like an eternity ago, my wife and I traveled to China to adopt Arianna in the fall of 1997. This article --- which appeared in The Sun Chronicle of Attleboro, MA on Tuesday, Oct. 25 --- looks back on that trip of a lifetime. The column follows, and the link to the column on the newspaper’s website is: