Trump makes Richard Nixon look like a saint
One thing that former President Donald Trump has accomplished is to make Richard Nixon --- who resigned in disgrace over the Watergate scandal on Aug. 9, 1974 --- look like a saint in comparison. Improving Nixon’s legacy is something that the younger me wouldn’t have thought possible. But then Donald Trump changed all that. Between Trump’s role in inciting an attempted coup of the government by marshaling right-wing extremist groups to invade the Capitol on Jan. 6 and to come perilously close to do bodily harm to then-Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi --- and then his decision to take hundreds of classified documents home with him in a clear violation of United States law, Nixon's place in history has improved considerably. Sure, Nixon orchestrated the cover-up of the Watergate burglary and ensuing scandal, which eventually sent numerous members of the Nixon Administration to jail. But Nixon didn’t attempt to overthrow the government, nor did he mi...