Who you’re calling an ‘old man’?

The author heads to the finish line of the 2021 Arnold Mills race. Yesterday, during my daily jaunt --- OK, so it’s been called a walk more than a jog or run by most people --- I was heading back after doing one of my shorter courses when, as I passed a house on the route, I heard these words from a guy: “There’s the old man walking.” Now, having been subjected to any number of catcalls --- of both the good-natured ribbing and harassing type --- since I started running and jogging in 1974 and then non-stop since April of 1975, I knew instinctively that this wasn't a friendly taunt, because the words were uttered with a dismissive, or derisive, undertone. I know the difference, because I've over the years also have had people stop their car or SUV and just tell me, in an encouraging voice, "Keep it up," or "I see you walking (or jogging) all the time, keep it up." Clearly, this gentlemen's tenor and tone weren't of the encouraging type, but rather...