A relaxing run amid the COVID-19 chaos
I ran my fourth race and second 5K since races have been allowed again on Saturday, the Franklin Farm 5K in Cumberland, R.I., and it was another welcome breather from all of the nasty COVID-19 chaos swirling around our lives thanks to the 70 million people who prefer to make a non-sensical political statement by not getting vaccinated instead of keeping themselves and others safe by getting vaccinated. (How getting vaccinated became a political issue is beyond me. If Americans acted as foolishly as this during the polio outbreak, that disease would have never been eradicated in the United States. And don't get me started about the 675,000-plus deaths in the United States from COVID-19 having exceeded the death toll from the 1918-20 Spanish flu outbreak; that development is as absurd as it is tragic.) The race was a fun run/walk to raise money for the farmland, which is situated in a rural part of the town that has been preserved, and it was held in conjunction with a festival held ...